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simple.good girl.student. teacher in the making

Thursday, November 24, 2011

You told me..


Sajer mengactivekan jari menaip ape yang patut dekat ruang google search..terfikir untuk search about quotes about life..suddenly ter click dekat quotes about love.Ter baca dan sekejap sahaja ter suka about this qoutes.And i think should i share this at my blog? then secara kebetulan my friend ada buat request dekat my email.Dia suruh dekat setiap my new post mesti ada qoutes.Aku bukan jenis yang suka copy and paste.. Itu seumpama kita tidak menghargai hasil karya seseorang.So i decide akan buat BUT.. I'll put from who i take that qoutes..so i hope after this no more copy and paste.
And i suggest buat sesiapa yang ada buat blog or you guys buat entry but copy and paste from other blog.Stop it.

Because it look like macam korang baik tak payah ada blog sendiri kalau semua idea korang celup dari mana-mana pihak.am i right? Tak salah kalau korang nak ambil sedikit info tersebut,tapi at least korang letak lah daripada mana korang ambil segala bagai info tersebut.*mucha grasias*

Love qoutes from: Sad Love

You told me that you loved me
why did you leave me to cry in the cold
you swore this time was different
why does that line seem so old

You told me I was the only one
who could make you feel that way
you told me that you cared about me
so why didnt you stay

All the nights you laid with me
alone in the dark in my bed
now I finally realize
you were just messing with my head

Love is such a powerful word
a word people often misuse
something they take for granted
something they beat and abuse

My wounds run deep inside me
there's blood all over the place
I think I've really lost it this time
Im ashamed to show my face

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